Monday, February 22, 2010

Gettin the ball rolling

Today we met with Davin from Graffiti Foundation and the Henry Ford Academy Alameda School of Art and Design. Our meeting covered a new project the school wants to start and have done by the end of May. The project involves creating a student made mural on the school to bring the community together around art. We are trying to come up with a product to offset the costs of the mural as well as bring about funding and an annual project. The idea that we are leaning towards is creating a calender to sell. It will be made up of art submitted by the students of the academy. It will be sold at the school, art shows, UTSA, and through our own networking. Next step is putting together the logistics of the calender. Internet here we come!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Developments

Today we developed our team contract. Established specific guidelines that will help us move forward on this project's progress. Our team is a very experienced group, so this allows us to be very reassured in delegating responsibilities throughout this semester.

In more recent developments, we have spoken with the founder and CEO of Graffiti Foundation, Davin Gutierrez, who has proposed a new idea on developing a calendar. We plan to meet with him on Wednesday to go over the specifics on going forward with this product.

Tune in next week for further developments......

Monday, February 1, 2010

Graffiti Foudation

Today we met with CEO and founder Davin Guitierrez to discuss what can take Graffiti Foundation to the next level. We came up with a few ideas with events and tshirts. We narrowed down to about 3 ideas. One idea is to partner up with Susan B. Koman for breast cancer awareness. Another idea is to have an event at the Blue Star where we will showcase the artists. The third idea is to help fund and start a post juvenile program where we help artists use their talent in better ways. We should be coming to a decision by next week.